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Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. we kinda the same all running all over the place no time for family. Its a hard life a rough life for an artiest. But its worth every minute of it.

  2. Yes I agree, it is hard to race and keep a family when you are moving around and trying to build up your success. A family takes time, and money which everyone does not have. When you have a family you cannot be gone for a very long period of time. You have to be there for your kids and help to race them.

  3. Bonjour, Maurice! We have a lot in common! I notice that you had many struggles during the war. I also went through hard times and had many difficulties performing around the world. The war made everything much harder for just about everyone. But I like to look on the brighter side of things and see our struggles as a way to grow as an artist! I had to move to America to perform for audiences, because in Germany, the war outbreak really had an impact on our audiences. I admire the fact that after the war, you kept going with your work. That makes you a truly exceptional artist.

  4. Bonjour, Lotte! We do have a lot of similarities, and you are a very interesting lady. The war did make a big impact in every once life. It is always hard to look on the brighter side but I will take it from you and try to look on the bright side. You were smart to move where the business was, to America. You are a beautiful opera singer. Your voice combs my mine. You are an extremely talented vocalist, and I thank you for your advice.

  5. Ciao Maurice. Well one thing that must be said is your music is extraordinary! We both struggled in the early years with money and food. I was in a traveling acting company almost all my life. Actors didn't make much money so it was very hard to have money and food. You and I both traveled around and that complicated being able to settle down and have a family. I struggled with that for a very long time. It was very hard for me to be close to anyone because my mother passed away when I was only fourteen and my father just out of the blue left me and the acting company he was a big part of. What gets me through it all is acting though. And you have your music.

  6. Hello there! I was just wondering how you got those fish swimming around at the bottom of your blog? I find them very amusing.
